IAMGOLD supports initiatives that help advance our sustainability performance and contribute to broader
sustainable development. IAMGOLD is an active member of the Mining Association of Canada and World Gold Council.
Mining Association of
The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) promotes a strong, sustainable mining industry that benefits all Canadians
and supports continued prosperity across the country. MAC’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative is a
globally recognized sustainability program that supports mining companies in the management of key
sustainability risks. As a MAC member, IAMGOLD is required to implement the TSM Protocols at all our Canadian
operations. While it is not required, IAMGOLD also implements TSM at our international operations. To learn more
about our results, information can be found here.
World Gold Council
The World Gold Council (WGC) champions the role gold plays as a strategic asset, shaping the future of a
responsible and accessible gold supply chain. The WGC’s Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs) establish a
set of required practices for its members across all ESG aspects of gold mining. Additionally, the WGC’s
Conflict-Free Gold (CFG) Standard® helps companies to provide assurance that their gold is not contributing to
conflict. More information on our conformance with the principles and standard can be found here.