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Health & Safety

We are committed to ingraining a culture that prioritizes health and safety in our people and operations. We strive to proactively identify, assess and control hazards to safeguard the well-being of our workers, contractors, and visitors.

IAMGOLD’s Health and Safety Policy outlines our company-wide health and safety commitments and requirements, and applies to all employees and contractors. Each site has a health and safety management system that is in full compliance with local regulations and guided by industry standards. We have a number of monitoring and prevention programs to identify and manage risks. We use controls to prevent or reduce exposures to risks if they cannot first be eliminated. We routinely carry out audits and inspections to confirm that these controls are adequately maintained and functioning effectively.

IAMGOLD tracks a variety of health and safety leading and lagging indicators and regularly review our performance to support continual improvement.

More information on our health and safety practices and performance can be found in our Sustainability Report.

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